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Chandler + Annalyce

Annalyce and I first bonded at school camp when I was put in charge of her cabin. We hit it off, but I still think she liked my stuffed monkey more than me. It's fine. One semester during my college career, I roomed with my sister, Abby. We had two other roommates too, so it was a full house. Annalyce happened to be one of those other roommates. She may seem quiet to people that don't know her, but this girl is hilarious! I didn't know Chandler super well, because pretty much all of my interactions with him happened when Annalyce was talking to him on the phone in the evenings ;) It was good to spend time with these two and get to know them as a couple a little better.

Though I will say - it was SO cold. These two braved it with me (and they weren't wearing layers like I was)! Since I was home for Thanksgiving break during this shoot, my mom tagged along. She brought hot apple cider for me AND for Annalyce to sip on in between shots! I told Mom she's going on every shoot with me from now on.

We took their engagement photos where their wedding will be in exactly one year from yesterday. It's a beautiful barn with so many fantastic photo spots within a few steps. It's called The Barn at Green Acres. Check it out here!

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