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Writer's pictureBethany Wilder

Jeremy Senior | Joyner Park Raleigh, NC

The winter months can be a bit slower for the photographer. Families just got their Christmas photos done, and most people aren't eager to run out in the cold, wintery weather for photos. So when Jeremy's mom reached out to me asking about a senior session for Jeremy, I was pretty excited!

Jeremy is the kid who, when he came over to our house, hacked the TV and turned it off from his whaaaaat? He's also the one who taught me how to hack into anyone's wifi, though I can assure you I don't remember how. He's musical, super smart with technology, and he's planning on studying business at Bob Jones University in the fall (my alma mater!).

Jeremy wanted to meet at E. Carroll Joyner Park. It was my first time going there, and I'd highly recommend it! We were able to get lots of different backgrounds and "feels" of photos. If you're into running, this is one of those parks where you can run around the trails and then stop at the exercise stations off to the side of the path. I know they have a name, but don't expect me to remember what that name is...

Jeremy brought his boots and camo hat for a few shots at the end of our time together. I always love when I can tailor a shoot specifically to the senior! Happy almost-graduation, Jeremy!

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